Friday, April 20, 2012

Portfolio Showcase 2012 at ICPG

Portfolio Showcase 2012 
This is our fourth year for the Portfolio Showcase. With a total value of $5000 in prizes and the opportunity to win the Grand Prize, we think that you will continue to find this initiative fun, challenging and attractive:
Fun, because we ask you to submit a full portfolio of 8 (no more, no fewer) images that represent a specific theme (preferred) or the variety of your best work.
Challenging, because only the best 8 full portfolios will be shown at the Gallery during the exhibit.  
Attractive, because, in addition to the exhibition of their work at the Gallery, and with thanks to our Sponsors, each of the 8 winners will receive a $200 award certificate applicable towards purchase of any of the many  products and services offered by Lumiere Photo and PixelPreserve. Also, each winner will receive a complimentary hardbound copy of the limited-edition, high-quality show catalogue, specially designed and produced by Denison Creative and PixelPreserve and depicting all photographs from the winning portfolios. The catalogue will be available for all to purchase commemorating the artists' accomplishments.

Click Here for full details and the entry form for your submission.

Presented by Image City Photography Gallery in partnership with Lumiere Photo, Denison Creative, and PixelPreserve. All of us look forward to receiving your submission by June 16, 2012 at the latest, even better if we receive it before June 3rd, 2012 - see details at the link above.

Questions? Contact:

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