Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Beat the Drum" event

Saturday, April 21st
7 p.m. - 10 p.m. 

34 Elton Street in the Neighborhood of the Arts

Great food, open wine bar, desserts, DJ, live performances, and silent and live auctions.
Come celebrate our 23rd year of successful, award-winning programming for children ages 3 to 18. Youth Project's programs do more than teach music and dance, they inspire character!

This wonderful friend-raising event is a perfect night out, and all proceeds support a great cause: providing music and dance instruction for kids whose families can't afford it.

Come and support what works, help strengthen Rochester's future, and have a great time doing it! And by the way, each Beat the Drum ticket you purchase gets you a free ticket to BMDD's Wongai! performance.

Visit for more information and to purchase your tickets today.

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