Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Noirette #3: "Slammed South of the Border," installments 5 and 6

[# 5]     Acapulco was hot. There was a corrida. He liked the drama, the blood, the bull’s or the matador’s. He bought a sombra seat. After dark, he went back to the cantina for the envelope. At the far end, he saw a woman. She was chewing gum & drinking beer, with three empty bottles in front of her. She said her name was Ynez. Behind Hammer a deep voice introduced himself as Demonio Azul, the Blue Demon. A meaty hand slapped Hammer down. The click of switchblade followed.

[6 of ]      If getting the taxi from the Acapulco hospital to the airport meant anything, making customs at Idlewild would be a breeze. Adios to the cliff diving boys. His piece was buried in the suitcase on board the DC3. The envelope was in his pants pocket. He ordered whiskey at the airport bar, but took a gin double. No matter that the blue coats had impounded the Studebaker. Lucy would talk to Mulrooney in the detective squad. A federale came to the bar. "You are Senor Hammer, si?"

 ~ series by Jere Fletcher, (c) 2011

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